Meet the Founder

Nadira Chase
Founder, CEO & Product Developer

At 11, my struggle with psoriasis began—first on my legs, then spreading across my body. My father and I seemed to be the only ones suffering from it. I tried countless skincare products and steroid treatments, yet nothing worked—in some cases, my skin worsened. On top of that, my hair remained short and stagnant. Determined to find a solution, I immersed myself in natural remedies, experimenting with herbs and oils to treat my skin and encourage hair growth.

My first creation was a goldenseal root mixture combined with what I believed to be cocoa butter. Years later, I discovered the so-called "cocoa butter" was nothing more than mineral oil with cocoa extract—my first glimpse into the deception within the cosmetic industry. This revelation deepened my passion for cosmetic research, as I sought safe, natural alternatives to the toxic, synthetic ingredients in everyday products.

At 15, tragedy struck—my vibrant aunt passed away at just 30 from a brain aneurysm. Though doctors found no clear cause, I couldn’t ignore the possible link between her passing and prolonged exposure to harmful beauty products. From then on, my research became a mission. I studied every skin ailment I could find, identifying natural ingredients like coconut, olive, and jojoba oils, as well as healing herbs like burdock and nettle.

In college, I continued developing skin and hair remedies, later incorporating my knowledge into a restaurant I opened in 2002, where I infused healthy, herbal ingredients into the menu. Never straying from my passion, I handcrafted skincare and haircare solutions for myself, and soon, friends and customers noticed my glowing skin and healthy locs. Seeing the impact, I began sharing my creations, offering natural alternatives for those suffering from psoriasis, eczema, and other concerns.

By 2005, I formalized my passion into a business—Adiva Naturals—offering truly natural, toxin-free hair and skincare products. Unlike mainstream beauty brands laden with harmful chemicals, Adiva Naturals prioritizes the health of multicultural skin and textured hair without parabens, phthalates, or cancer-linked toxins.

My mission intensified when I lost a close friend to breast cancer. After surgery, her doctor prescribed a cream containing three parabens—the same chemicals linked to cancer. Horrified, I rushed to create a safer alternative. Despite my efforts, a year later, she developed liver cancer and lost her battle. Her passing fueled my drive to educate the community on toxic ingredients and provide healthy, effective alternatives through Adiva Naturals.

For over 15 years, my commitment has remained the same: to empower and protect consumers by offering pure, plant-based beauty solutions that nourish, heal, and transform.

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