Bamboo Charcoal-Infused Toothbrushes: Sustainable Smiles, One Brush at a Time
Bamboo Charcoal-Infused Toothbrushes: Sustainable Smiles, One Brush at a Time
Bamboo Charcoal-Infused Toothbrushes: Sustainable Smiles, One Brush at a Time

Bamboo Charcoal-Infused Toothbrushes: Sustainable Smiles, One Brush at a Time

Regular price $ 39.99 Sale

This is your new go-to for plastic-free oral care! The toothbrush is fully biodegradable, except for the charcoal nylon bristles—pop those out before tossing. For a smoother brushing experience, wet the bristles before you start. Each bamboo toothbrush comes in a recyclable cardboard box, making it perfect for gift-giving. Available in a family pack of four, a bulk option of twelve, or as a single item.

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