Organic Fit & Flat Belly | Detox & Fat Burner 16oz
Organic Fit & Flat Belly | Detox & Fat Burner 16oz

Organic Fit & Flat Belly | Detox & Fat Burner 16oz

Regular price $ 29.99 Sale

Experience the Al-Riyan Fit & Flat Belly Detox & Fat Burner, an exceptional herbal tonic designed to support your journey towards a slimmer, fitter you. This unique blend offers numerous benefits, including appetite control, weight management, and resolving stomach issues such as gastritis, constipation, and more. Its herbal formula, including slippery elm roots, addresses various conditions like coughs, sore throat, colic, diarrhea, and urinary tract infections.

Unlock the potential of this popular "FITS Tonic" (Flat Belly) as it detoxifies, aids in nutrient absorption, improves metabolism, and helps maintain cholesterol, blood pressure, and sugar levels. Packed with essential nutrients like vitamins C, E, niacin, folic acid, and riboflavin, it helps reduce appetite, increase metabolic rate, and prevent the accumulation of fatty acids in your body.

This tonic boasts a blend of ingredients including Brewed Tea, Oolong Tea Leaf, Senna Leaf, Dandelion Roots, Slippery Elm Bark, Peppermint, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Black Pepper, Sea Moss, Turmeric, Lemon Juice, Fenugreek, Ginger, Oregano, Ginseng, Caralluma Fimbriata, Gymnema Sylvestre, Black Seed, Cumin, Coriander, Hibiscus, Green Tea, Grapefruit, Chia Seeds, Celery, and Artichoke.

Directions for use: Take two to four tablespoons daily as a dietary supplement. Avoid consuming the entire bottle in one day on an empty stomach and refrain from taking it with food. Ensure adequate hydration by drinking 4-8 glasses of water or other beverages throughout the day.

No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives added.

Transform your wellness journey—get yours now and start your path toward a healthier you!

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