Staff Favs

Revealing Our Favorite Products

Jazzie Adiva Naturals Favorite Products Staff Picks

"I love The Lusterizer because it serves a dual purpose for body and hair to keep it moisturized. The soaps are my all time fave because they work great for me and my daughter. The facial cleanser and moisturizer is an everyday use for me and I swear by it." -Jazzie⁣


"I love the Body Polish because it's gentle enough to use all over and leaves me feeling super smooth from head to toe! I also enjoy the handmade soap  because of its moisturizing properties and ability to cleanse without burning my Private Parts!!" Tiki~


"There is no substitution, I adore Adiva Naturals products!
After using the deep cleansing Aloe and Charcoal Detoxifying Cleanser paired with the Herbal Facial Moisturizer my face looks and feels renewed, it’s not oily and just a little amount does the job; keeps my face looking youthful. For my hair and skin my two loves are Mango Hair and Skin Leave-in Conditioner and The Lusterizer for top notch moisture from head to toe." ~ Lisa

"The Lusterizer is my absolute favorite product. It gives my locs, scalp and skin SUPREME HYDRATION. I mean, we broke the mold with this one. Nothing makes my skin feel so silky and sexy all day like The Lusterizer. Even on my ashiest day its the creamy Lusterizer to the rescue. I totally adore it." ~Nadira


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